This meditation is a little different. I am proposing a structure to get you started, but you should do what makes the most sense for you. Take 15 minutes and practice praying.
A timer may be useful. Some kitchen timers have a single beep every five minutes. That would be great for this exercise. Each morning, find a quiet space.
It may be useful to make lists throughout the day so you can include things in your prayers. Remember, there’s no “cheating” when it comes to prayer–any way you pray is the right way.
First, focus on Thanksgiving for fives minutes. List the things you’re grateful for: Family, friends, success, opportunities, your talents, inspiring people, and so forth. List as many things as you can. When you run out of things to list, sit quietly for the remainder of the five minutes.
Second, make Petitions for five minutes. Ask for focus, for clarity in your goals. Pray for people you know, for the souls of those who have passed on, for aunts and uncles and cousins. Pray for people with whom you work. Ask for the skills and the ambition to do your best in your work. Again, when you run out of things to list, sit quietly for the remainder of the five minutes.
Third, sit quietly and Listen. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath as you can feel it moving in and out. Don’t focus on your thanksgivings or your petitions. Don’t try to think. If a thought or noise draws your attention, make note of it and bring your focus back to your breathing. Do this for five minutes.
Then, find some quiet time in the evening and repeat this prayer activity. It may be for a shorter period of time, but try to include all three pieces. Repeat for 30 days.
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