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Your Mind Doesn’t Do You A Lot of Favors

Past Future Good Bad 1200

When we recall memories, we also apply filtering. As we pull them out of storage, we re-write them just a bit to fit within our world view and to provide consistency with other memories.

Defend Your Sanity: Make Your Own Zoom Rules

Calendar Dominoes

A year ago, many people had never heard of Zoom. We have been using it for years. In fact, because of various programs I run, my company has four separate Zoom logins in order to accommodate all of our training programs and needs under one account. But the world changed when . . well, when […]

Do Not Be Interrupt-Driven

Telephone Call

This is an Absolutely Unbreakable Rule. In both your personal and professional life, you should avoid interruptions. This rule follows from another: Prioritize Everything!. I’m a huge fan of silencing my phone and having it off at all times. With rare exceptions, for example when I’m expecting a call, my phone is off, and it’s […]

The Power of Disappearing

Relaxed Man

Many years ago, my friend Arlin Sorensen was given an award at a conference I was attending. In his acceptance speech, he made a profound statement that stuck with me permanently. He said that his father once told him this: “Don’t worry what people think about you. They probably don’t.“ Maybe I was just in […]

The Beauty of a Blank Slate

Billboard Blank

I have a filing system that allows me to basically restart the filing system each year. In my cloud drive, I create a folder for the year. Then, within that, I create folders for all the normal things one might have: Operations, Clients, Appearances, Marketing, and so forth. The new year’s folder is normally created […]