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25 Years with Rheumatoid Arthritis – My Personal Report

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When I was diagnosed, the doctor told me, basically, that I better take his advice. If the disease is not controlled within ten years, he told me, I would be too crippled to work. I’m not sure why people ignore advice like that, but I took it very seriously.

Do Less – Get More Done. Really.

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I have to get my next book written. So I made a big sign to post on the wall in front of my workstation. It just says, “Do Less!” I know that doesn’t make sense to some people . . . until you think about it.

Is Too Much Enough?

Teen Girl With Lot Books

Spring is a great time for the re-emergence of this. After all, Spring Cleaning is often just tackling one more pile (or set of piles) that we didn’t tackle last Spring.

YOU Decide What Makes You Happy!

Extreme Not. Fiji 20203

From time to time, I travel with friends for part of their vacation or mine. One really big observation comes out of this: People are very opinionated about vacations! Personally, I like beaches. Mostly ocean beaches, but I’ll take a lake beach if the weather is good. And I’ll take a bad beach over a […]