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25 Years with Rheumatoid Arthritis – My Personal Report

Ra 25 Years 2800

When I was diagnosed, the doctor told me, basically, that I better take his advice. If the disease is not controlled within ten years, he told me, I would be too crippled to work. I’m not sure why people ignore advice like that, but I took it very seriously.

Kind Goal-Setting for the New Year

Targets Arrows Square

Make this a year for recognizing the accomplishments and forgiving the shortfalls. After all, you’re guaranteed to have both of them.

Quitting Has A Bad Name


The process of trimming – quitting something important – is rarely easy. It can be almost heart breaking.

Lessons from the “Great Resignation”


Few changes are permanent. People take jobs and leave jobs. Sometimes they go back to a job. Sometimes they change careers, or move across country. Everything keeps evolving. Tune into it and think about where you want to fit. Every day, be a little bit more of what you wish to become.

Inertia – Good and Bad

Newtons Cradle

We all know what intertia is. Whether or not your mind immediately brings up an image of Sir Isaac Newton, you have certainly heard of Newton’s first law of motion: “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless […]

You Can Rebuild Your Life – with World Enough and Time

Write Speak Travel

This month represents a big anniversary for me. Ten years ago – January 2011 – my life was at an emotional and monetary low. My divorce had become “final” in 2010. My daughter, the absolute center of my life, moved off to college. The country was in recession, and my finances were in complete disarray. […]

The Interruption Diet


In the last post, I talked about avoiding interruptions. Here’s a great exercise for making interruptions visible to you. Create an “Interruption Diet” like this: Interruption Time Start / Stop Importance Notes Example:Phone Call 8:45 am – 8:50 am Not! Sales call. Grrr. Create a whole sheet like this for each day of the week. […]

Some Things Won’t Get Done

Checklist Cell Phone

Here’s a little reality check for you. In the end, the very lowest priority tasks will probably never get done.   I know that’s startling. The lowest priority tasks will never get done. And, to be honest, at some point you will die with work undone. You will. I don’t want to be morbid, but […]

Practice . . . Everything

Practice Everything

There’s an interesting truth that we all conveniently ignore or deny when we take on a new task: Before you can be good at something, you have to be bad at it. Or, said another way, You can never be “good” at something you don’t do. And, one of my favorite related truths: Frustration is […]