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Starting a Business? Grab This Workbook!

Small Biz Quickstart Workbook

The Small Biz Quickstart Workbook by Karl W. Palachuk So, You Want to be Self-Employed… Congratulations on taking the plunge! As scary as it seems right now, starting your own business will be one of the highlights of your life. This workbook will remove the “scary” part of your decision. How? It will give you […]

Changing Your Mental Channel

In the midst of the non-stop “virus” coverage, I have heard and read several comments about a daily phenomenon that few of us ever think about: Using our “commute” time to switch from one role we play in life to another. For example, the routine of dropping off kids and then driving to work is […]

How to Reduce Anxiety in a World Gone Crazy


Last week, before everyone was told to go home and stay there, I met some friends for dinner. One longtime friend had just picked up her daughter from the airport: Her university had closed down for the foreseeable future and she didn’t know what was next. The Mom asked me if I had any sage […]

Happy Birthday, Arthritis


It wasn’t 20 years ago today. It was probably in September or October. But twenty years ago this Fall, I came down with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Meditating with a Robotic Cat


A few weeks ago, I ordered a Hasbro “Joy for All” robotic cat. I made a video about un-boxing the cat with a few notes about living with him.

Priming Your Brain – Part 2

In my last blog post, I introduced the reticular activating system (RAS) and talked about it’s basic functions. The RAS helps us filter the world around us. That has two primary features. First, it keeps out millions of things we don’t need to pay attention to. After all, we’re exposed to literally millions of impressions […]

Be Great Where You Can!

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins starts with the premise that Good is the enemy of Great. The argument is that it takes a lot of hard work and organization to create a good company, hire good employees, have good policies, etc. And once all that hard work is done, people have a […]

The Twelve City Project

I had a strange idea a few years ago. And slowly, I realize it is coming true. It happened when I was traveling a lot and figuring out ways to be just as productive on the road. When I’m in the U.S., this is generally not a problem. Most decent hotels have decent Internet and […]

Unbalanced? Ooops. That’s Your Fault!

I recently did a webinar about the most important rules you need to follow to create a successful business. Afterward, I received a note from someone who said he could not attend the webinar because he has to run after customer service tickets completely non-stop twelve hours a day. This is truly the worst-case scenario […]

Reduce Travel Stress

My latest RFS video is posted now. I recorded it while traveling. It was a very stressful travel day for many people. It was the day Southwest Airlines’ computers failed and they had to ground their entire fleet for some time. Even under normal circumstances, many people create travel stress because they start with a […]