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Game Theory

In college-level psychology courses, one of the fun things you get to do is train mice. In addition to being easy, training mice helps you learn a lot about behavior generally and rewards and punishments specifically. Someone should write a book on training mice for kids. It’s simple. An 8 year old that can learn […]

Do You Worry Enough? Just as There’s Good Stress, So There’s Good Worry

There’s a lot of “universal” advice out there.  The always-present everyone says don’t smoke, exercise more, eat your fruits and vegetables. One piece of universal advice is to stop worrying, or at least reduce the level of worry in your life.  After all, we have plenty to worry about—Money, our children, our parents, our spouse’s […]

Introduction to Retreats

In the Monty Python movie The Holy Grail, King Arthur’s men do not use the terms “charge” and “retreat.”  Instead they use “charge” and “Run away! Run away!”  So, when I tell my friends I’m going on my annual retreat, they always say “Run away! Run away!” Part of me wants to say that I’m […]

Making Lemonade is a Lifestyle Choice

“Stuff” happens in life. You can make yourself miserable and dive into the well of dispair, or you can pick up the lemons and start making lemonade.

Life Happens – Remember the Big Picture

Sometimes we let life get ahead of us. We find ourselves responding to the moment instead of keeping track of our own long-term vision about life. Unfortunately, I have rheumatoid arthritis, an immune disorder in which the body attacks the joints. Fortunately for me, I just passed my tenth anniversary with this disease. Fall of […]

Ahh Nostalgia . . .

If you’re just a little bit overwhelmed with the world around you, consider conjuring up some memories. The human mind is a very interesting place. If I were to go back to school, I’d make a point of learning more about it. In particular, about memory. Your memory can be affected by many things, including […]

What I Learn From Jokes

There are different kinds of jokes. I’ve been accused of favoring the corny kind. Not sure where that comes from. To get a quick summary of humor on this site, click here: http://www.rfsblog.com/category/humor/. I think I like jokes because of the element of surprise. A really good joke is funny because the ending is not […]

Silas Marner in the Workplace

If you haven’t read the book Silas Marner by George Eliot, check it out. It’s a good Summer read. The title character is well known for sitting alone in his house, with the windows shuttered, and counting his gold. Night after night Silas Marner counted his gold. When we read that part of the book, […]

Choosing Pain

Here’s a question you don’t get very often: How do you define pain? Consider what each of the following mean to you: – Suffering – Grief – Anxiety – Pain – Depression – Anguish – Affliction – Fear – Despair – Stress Now think about how you might modify each of these – Minor – […]

Lessons from the Market

I’ve been catching up on my blogs and came across a great posting from one of my favorite people. See http://www.uksmbgirl.co.uk/blog/archives/244.  Wherein Susanne Dansey makes some excellent points regarding enjoying your job. She also manages to throw in a few notes about trollies, tills, and tutting. You know, we spend a lot of time talking […]