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Buy a Pedometer

I don’t get to exercise much these days. With my rheumatoid arthritis, I can’t jog because it’s too jogging. And elliptical trainers will just speed up the eventual knee replacements. I can’t lift weights because I can’t grip the bar. But I can walk! Therefore, I bought a pedometer so I could keep track of […]

The First Habit of Success

Goal-Setting Part 2 I talked Last Time about developing a goal-setting strategy that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Before you can do anything else on the path to success, you need to develop a habit of daily quiet time. It is literally the the first habit of success. It is first […]

Retreat Report

I mentioned my annual retreat in my newsletter. Got several emails asking more about my annual retreat. So here’s the goods. First, read this article: Introduction to Retreats = https://relaxfocussucceed.com/Articles/2004010002.htm —– My annual retreat takes place at the local Passionist Retreat Center near Sacramento, CA. We gather on Friday, catch up with people we haven’t […]

A Tribute to Online Communities

One of the really great things about the internet is its ability to build communities. You might call them “virtual” communities, but that implies that they’re not real. Internet-based communities are very real. I know from my own experience that people can come together in a series of online communities and have those communities spill […]

Siesta, Retirement, and Work

And old tale. An American was visiting a small village in Mexico. He came across a young man sitting in a chair on the sidewalk while children played all around him. The American was put off by this laziness. So he talked to the man. “Why aren’t you working?” asked the American. “I have already […]

Class of 1982

I have been just returned from my 25th class reunion at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. What a blast! Three lasting images came home with me. First, my very good friend Mary S. confided in me a secret she’s kept for 29 years. As high school students back in the dark ages, Mary and John […]

The Last Yard

Here’s a reflection about the last 1%. I’ve been working on several projects that culminate in the next few weeks. I’ve written a new book and released it for purchase yesterday. I have a webinar today and another in two days. I have a seminar for it in three days. I have sales goals for […]

I don’t mean to be rude . . . but Shut Up!

One of the best things you can do, in many area of your life, is to be silent and take in the world. Here are three quick thoughts. First, we all hear the advice over and over: You have two ears and one mouth, so you should do twice as much listening as talking. True […]

Building Success Through Your Personal “Big Mac” Index

You may have heard of the “Big Mac” index.  It’s a tool to help understand standards of living in other countries.  Since most people don’t know or care about Gross Domestic Product or monetary exchange rates. The Big Mac index (BMI) is very simple:  How long do you have to work to earn enough money […]

Simplify – in Moderation

I often talk to folks about how they’re simplifying things. We all go through this from time to time: There’s just “too much stuff” in our lives and we weed out some things. Many of us have filled our lives with toys and activities and habits that steal our time. So we’re super busy with […]