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Yes, You Can Fake It – But Eventually You Have to Make It

Fake It Make It

I know you’ve heard the phrase, “Fake it ’til you make it.” There are many examples of where this applies. Most commonly, we give this advice when someone has stepped into a new role but is experiencing self-doubt about their ability to be successful. This is very similar to the so-called “Imposter Syndrome.” With imposter […]

Who Do You Bet on Today? I Say YOU!

Amid the recent stock market volatility, I’ve found myself talking to people about “what to invest in” now. Will stocks go up or down? If they go down, when should I buy? Which companies will do well? It all boils down to: Who should you bet on? In uncertain times, I have no stock tips […]

How to Reduce Anxiety in a World Gone Crazy


Last week, before everyone was told to go home and stay there, I met some friends for dinner. One longtime friend had just picked up her daughter from the airport: Her university had closed down for the foreseeable future and she didn’t know what was next. The Mom asked me if I had any sage […]

The Power of Disappearing

Relaxed Man

Many years ago, my friend Arlin Sorensen was given an award at a conference I was attending. In his acceptance speech, he made a profound statement that stuck with me permanently. He said that his father once told him this: “Don’t worry what people think about you. They probably don’t.“ Maybe I was just in […]

The Beauty of a Blank Slate

Billboard Blank

I have a filing system that allows me to basically restart the filing system each year. In my cloud drive, I create a folder for the year. Then, within that, I create folders for all the normal things one might have: Operations, Clients, Appearances, Marketing, and so forth. The new year’s folder is normally created […]

Happy Birthday, Arthritis


It wasn’t 20 years ago today. It was probably in September or October. But twenty years ago this Fall, I came down with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

One Hour that Will Change Your Life


Everyday, we look at the high priority things and don’t do them because they take time. And since we’re focused on the calendar and the clock, time is so precious that we don’t make time to do what’s important!

Single File, Please


One of my favorite rules of life is Slow down, get more done. This is certainly an example of that. In the end, you get a lot more done when you only try to do one thing at a time.

Leave Gaps

Nothing is important. Um . . . Let me rephrase that: Leaving space in your life for new things is important. Leaving space for “nothing” means leaving space for opportunity. We modern humans have a natural tendency to over-pack, over-schedule, and over-commit. We stack our day with frenzied activity and act surprised when one domino […]