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Notes for Small Business: 10 Tips for Getting the Job Done


If you run a small business, you face many challenges. Taxes alone will keep you employed full time! When I hired my first employee I made up a “tax calendar” for myself so I wouldn’t miss any filings for federal withholding, unemployment insurance, quarterly state and federal forms, etc. Between state and federal, employer and regular income taxes, deposits, tax returns, and sales tax, I had 49 filings or payments due in one year!

Muscle Memory: Practicing Success and Focus


For ten years I played a consistently mediocre game of racquetball. I got to a certain level and, no matter how much I played, I didn’t get any better. Then one day I took a free clinic at our racquet club and learned the proper way to hold the racquet! My game improved instantly.

Consistency and Reproducibility


Why does McDonald’s restaurant succeed? When one-of-a-kind restaurants come and go all the time, why does a chain like Red Robin or Chevy’s or IHOP survive? Because they have consistency and reproducibility. You need this too.

Everything You Need To Be Successful


Do you make excuses about why you “can’t” be successful in some area of your life? What’s the excuse? I’m not good at that? I don’t have that talent? Other people are smarter?

Focus on Success


In the most basic sense, to focus means to put your attention on something. But focus is not a simple thing.

The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living


I’m sure you’ve read this quote before: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates said that at his trial for heresy. He was on trial for encouraging his students to challenge the accepted beliefs of the time and think for themselves.

Clearing Up the Question of Relaxation


Perhaps the area of greatest confusion regarding the philosophy of “Relax Focus Succeed” is the Relax part. After all, we live in a society that does everything but relax.