Embrace the Traditions of Change
Change happens whether you push against it, welcome it wholeheartedly, or attempt to mold it as comes.
Your “Before” Picture
Here’s a quick exercise for you. Take a selfie with your cell phone and label it “Before.” How do I know that this is your “before” picture? Because change is coming in your life. You might know what’s coming. It could be the book you’re writing, the goal you’re working toward at work, the new […]
Priming Your Brain – Part 1
There are many fields I wish I had studied more in college. The brain is one of them. Of course, when I was in college, we knew about 1/10th of what we know today. Aside from being an efficient chemical factory for producing hormones that affect happiness, pleasure, body control, and mood, the brain is […]
Your Dream Can’t Come True if You Don’t Have One
I have friends whose dream was to build a custom home exactly the way they want. Most of them achieved that. Some are still working on it. I have other friends who dream to climb every significant mountain peak in their state, or to start a charity, or to run 100 marathons. Those aren’t my […]
The Twelve City Project
I had a strange idea a few years ago. And slowly, I realize it is coming true. It happened when I was traveling a lot and figuring out ways to be just as productive on the road. When I’m in the U.S., this is generally not a problem. Most decent hotels have decent Internet and […]
The Happiest Times of My Life
What are the happiest times in your life? That’s worth looking at because there are probably some common elements there. With some serious introspection, you might even figure out the connections. There are three periods in my life that stand out as the happiest. The first time was when I was a kid. By “kid” […]
Suffocate Your Fear with Love and Attention
We all experience fear. It keeps us from moving ahead. It even keeps us from improving our lives, improving our business, and improving our relationships. Probably 99% of our fears will never come true. Here’s a plan to kill your fears – with a technique you probably never considered. First, identify your fears. The easiest […]
Un-Tether from Technology Safely in 2014
If you’re a thoroughly modern person, you are probably pretty well tethered to your technology. That means you are never far from your email, cell phone, text messages, and social media. Generally speaking, these are good things. But you might be too connected. If you are too connected, your addiction to these technologies is actually […]
Some Days Are Just Good Days
Yesterday, my daughter wandered in and asked me if I had a good day. Yes. Yes I did! “Oh,” she said, “What happened?” Oddly enough, nothing spectacular. It was a not-too-busy day, but still filled with lots of good little things. No big events. No big projects. No surprises. Nothing spectacular. But . . . […]
Too Much Work – Or Too Little – Is Bad
I hope it’s not a big surprise that too much work is bad for you. I know I harp on it all the time, but there’s plenty of research to back it up. I recently came across a great article by Nancy Shute on the effect of long hours on depression. See http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030719. The key […]