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25 Years with Rheumatoid Arthritis – My Personal Report

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When I was diagnosed, the doctor told me, basically, that I better take his advice. If the disease is not controlled within ten years, he told me, I would be too crippled to work. I’m not sure why people ignore advice like that, but I took it very seriously.

Traveling When You’re Not In Control

Air Zen

Once I check in at the airport, I put myself into the loving arms of the airline. And whatever happens after that, it’s their job to get me to the place I’m going.

YOU Decide What Makes You Happy!

Extreme Not. Fiji 20203

From time to time, I travel with friends for part of their vacation or mine. One really big observation comes out of this: People are very opinionated about vacations! Personally, I like beaches. Mostly ocean beaches, but I’ll take a lake beach if the weather is good. And I’ll take a bad beach over a […]

We Should Rethink Our Obsession with a Good Ending


The first time I read Little Women, I enjoyed it so thoroughly that I remember wishing that it would not end. As I turned the pages and the remainder got smaller and smaller, I started to feel a sense of loss simply because the wonderful story would be over.

Millennials (and Gen X) Are Not a Problem to Be Dealt With


I have never believed most of the common wisdom spread about Millennials (and Gen X and Gen Z). And after about fifteen years of hearing “advice” focused on these younger generations, I think I finally figured out where the advice goes bad: It is extremely superficial and meaningless

Your Mind Doesn’t Do You A Lot of Favors

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When we recall memories, we also apply filtering. As we pull them out of storage, we re-write them just a bit to fit within our world view and to provide consistency with other memories.

Defend Your Sanity: Make Your Own Zoom Rules

Calendar Dominoes

A year ago, many people had never heard of Zoom. We have been using it for years. In fact, because of various programs I run, my company has four separate Zoom logins in order to accommodate all of our training programs and needs under one account. But the world changed when . . well, when […]

Changing Your Mental Channel

In the midst of the non-stop “virus” coverage, I have heard and read several comments about a daily phenomenon that few of us ever think about: Using our “commute” time to switch from one role we play in life to another. For example, the routine of dropping off kids and then driving to work is […]

The Power of Disappearing

Relaxed Man

Many years ago, my friend Arlin Sorensen was given an award at a conference I was attending. In his acceptance speech, he made a profound statement that stuck with me permanently. He said that his father once told him this: “Don’t worry what people think about you. They probably don’t.“ Maybe I was just in […]

The Beauty of a Blank Slate

Billboard Blank

I have a filing system that allows me to basically restart the filing system each year. In my cloud drive, I create a folder for the year. Then, within that, I create folders for all the normal things one might have: Operations, Clients, Appearances, Marketing, and so forth. The new year’s folder is normally created […]