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Traveling When You’re Not In Control

Once I check in at the airport, I put myself into the loving arms of the airline. And whatever happens after that, it's their job to get me to the place I'm going.
Picture of Karl Palachuk

Karl W. Palachuk
June 5, 2024

Air Zen

Okay, spoiler alert: You’re not in control of almost anything. So when you travel, you only think you have some control.

I have a friend who makes fun of me for one of my oft-repeated mantras: Once I check in at the airport, I put myself into the loving arms of the airline. And whatever happens after that, it’s their job to get me to the place I’m going.

Air Zen

You may not believe that statement, but it’s true. And it also reflects an attitude of equanimity. You are not in control. That means that getting irritated or frustrated is not useful or helpful. Whether you yell and scream or take a deep breath and walk around the airport won’t make any difference. So take a deep breath and walk around the airport.

You’ll live longer.

Many people will say, “Well, what can you do?” But they aren’t remotely accepting of the situation or able to believe that they have no control. It takes commitment and practice to actually just accept that you are not in control. This comes in VERY handy while traveling.

I can’t control when there’s a snafu with credit cards, security, baggage, flights, weather, or even whether my foot hurts from too much standing. When I’m done with my part (checking in), I am DONE with my part. After that, I don’t have any choice except to go with the flow until the flow deposits me at my destination.

As I write this, I am on the second day of a flight delay. The airline fed me, put me in a hotel, and diverted me to a city well off my chosen path. But I chose not to stress about it, because I am in the loving arms of the airline. Really.

I think a sense of humor helps. As Jimmy Buffet said, “We’re going to laugh about it someday. We might as well start now.”

You can determine how you will react to these situations – because your reaction is the only thing you DO control. The world can, and will, do what it wants. What will you do in response?

I travel a lot, so these things happen from time to time. If I got upset and angry every time, I’d be upset and angry a lot. That doesn’t serve me well. It would not be good for my blood pressure or mental attitude. So I choose to always approach adversity the same way: with equanimity.


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2 Responses

  1. We’re not in control unless….. Your sitting with friends eating a good meal and having such a great conversation you completely forget you’re on a schedule and miss the flight. To your point even if this happens, give a goosefraba, breath, and go with the flow.

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